West Virginia: Creation Justice in the Mountain State

We had a great conversation! To view video and read the article link over to Climate Justice and West Virginia—“the prettiest place in the world.”

In climate circles, ‘West Virginia’ comes into the conversation a lot. A lot has also been written about West Virginia and the climate crisis from outside the state. West Virginia, tho, is a state with its own voice—one that is important to hear. On May 10th, then, at the Climate Cafe Multifaith, we will center the voices of West Virginians. Rev. Robin Blakeman, of West Virginia Interfaith Power and Light, and Allen Johnson, of Christians for the Mountains, will lead the conversation as we explore the beauty and history, of the Appalachias, as well as the story of the coal, gas, and the environmental movement in the Mountain State.

May 10th at 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET.

Photo by Rev. Blakeman, a surprise March snowstorm in a beautiful WV state park.

Robin Blakeman is an ordained PCUSA minister, with a validated ministry in environmental stewardship work within the bounds of the WV Presbytery. She is an 8th generation West Virginian, a mother of a music educator, and currently works full time as the Executive Director of Energy Efficient West Virginia. She is also a Steering Committee member with WV Interfaith Power and Light.

Photo of Rev. Blakeman from a solar rooftop dedication on a church in West Virginia.

Allen Johnson lives in rural West Virginia. He co-founded and coordinates the organization Christians for the Mountains which advocates for social justice and ecosystem integrity in the Central Appalachians, especially calling upon Christians to be advocates in this area. Johnson retired from his position as Director of Pocahontas County Free Libraries in February 2012 to devote his full-time to this environmental ministry. Johnson has an MA in Theology and public policy from Palmer Theological Seminary.


Spiritual Replenishment in the time of the Great Resignation: from burnout to renewal in Social Movements.


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