Book Launch: The Cross in the Midst of Creation

We had a great event! Find the follow up article and video here: The Cross in the Midst of Creation: A Conversation with Rev. Sharon Delgado.

Join us June 14 for a special Climate Cafe Multifaith as we celebrate a Book Launch! The Climate Crisis challenges our understanding of the scriptures and holy work in ways generations before us never encountered. Our Bible studies, commentaries and interpretive texts never grappled with the threat now posed from the pollution of fossil fuels. Our sacred texts, however, speak more loudly on this than we have imagined. Now that we are paying attention, it is more important than ever to know that our teachings offer a full and faithful path ahead. Tuesday June 14th, 11:00pm Pacific Time / 2:00pm Eastern Time. Register.

Rev. Sharon Delgado’s latest book, The Cross in the Midst of Creation, walks a faithful path through the bible and Christian theology to help us understand where the Cross and the Creation intersect, what Christian action can look like, and why it is important to reflect on sacred teachings at this crucial time. A resource for the parish, pastors, seminaries, and bible study, as well as those who seek to better understand Christian theology and Climate Change.

About the Author: The Reverend Sharon Delgado is an ordained United Methodist preacher, author, and activist who has been working on climate justice and related concerns for over 30 years. Her upcoming book, The Cross in the Midst of Creation: Following Jesus, Engaging the Powers, Transforming the World, will be available in June, 2022 from Fortress Press. She blogs at

About the book: The Cross in the Midst of Creation: Following Jesus, Engaging the Powers, Transforming the World asserts that the crucifixion is ongoing as institutional powers diminish human life and destroy creation, and that the resurrection is ongoing as faith overcomes despair and the Spirit equips people to follow Jesus in the struggle for a transformed world. This book challenges those who seek to follow Jesus to throw off despair and complacency, exposes disempowering and hate-filled teachings that claim to be Christian, and reclaims the gospel as a force for healing, empowerment, and both personal and social transformation.  


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